
The Experience App for Teams

For Teams that compete, travel, and enjoy social activities

One App for Everything!

Experium is The Experience App for Sports Teams.

Because there’s more to managing team activities than scheduling, communication, and attendance tracking. There’s traveling, social activities and building life-long friendships!

Nobody wants to use multiple applications to manage it all. With Experium you don’t have to!


  • Track availability to determine who will be attending events
  • Use polls to gather feedback and input
  • Custom Roles lets you define your users’ rights
  • Multiple Admins let’s you share the work 
  • Keep all your activities and experiences in one place
  • Scheduling travel and social activities
Team chat


How do you get the highest level of responsiveness from your members? Let them communicate the way they want.

Some want chat. Some want the richness of social media. Some want email. Some want custom discussion channels to share ideas. 

Text-only or image-rich communication. Experium is all of that!


In a team, the calendar is the star of the show. Any old calendar can schedule an activity, but the magic comes from having all the logistics, images, and documents in one place.

Experium is private and  organized.


Experium helps you plan all the details of your team travel, parties, and every event you can think of.

And the best part? Your members get to keep every detail. Forever. No lost memories. No lost interactions. 

And you can manage all your experiences in Experium, not just your team ones. Vacations, Life Events, Home Ownership. All your Experiences in one App!

Team Management

Experium is designed for flexibility!

  • Customizable Roles
  • Team Experience Management
  • Perfect for Traveling Teams
  • Multi-Level Privacy Settings
  • Shared Admin Features
  • Sponsors
  • Monetization Features
Start Enjoying Experium Now!


Download the Mobile App

Use Experium on the go and enjoy all the functionality of the webapp in our mobile versions.

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